Innovation Forum VI - 2014
Crisis, innovation and transition

1, 2 and 3 October 2014  (Pôle universitaire Léonard De Vinci, Paris la Défense)

Special sessions > Credit and SMEs: The impact of the subprime crisis

The subprime crisis is one of the major crises that banking systems have had to cope with in recent years, and can be considered as the epitome of systemic risk. One of the key issues involved is to determine the effects that this crisis has had on the financing of SMEs for their productive project. SMEs currently lack resources to undertake innovative projects and increase their growth opportunities. This track aims is to compare and contrast the liquidity needs of SMEs and the credit restrictions generated by evolutions in banking institutions in order to evaluate the credit constraint created by the recent crisis.

Academic and professional contributions are welcome to discuss the innovative solutions to restore performance for SME. 

Organized by Elisabeth Paulet, Professor France Business School




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