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Innovation Forum VI - 2014 Crisis, innovation and transition 1, 2 and 3 October 2014 (Pôle universitaire Léonard De Vinci, Paris la Défense) |
Special sessions > Innovative ecosystems as an evolution of the French innovation model based on the integration of new Open Innovation tools and strategies aiming to shared value creation.In the last 10 years France have encouraged the development of new strategies and tools of investment and organization of the innovation process. The development of the new Technology transfer accelerator societies (SATT) and of the Open Innovation strategies and tools have been accelerated in the last years encouraged by the tax reductions (Credit Impot Innovation), a bank to invest in priority in the French innovation (BPI France) and a national strategy of promoting the importance of the technology and social innovation for the value creation in France. The universities and the research laboratories have created valorization departments further to the universities autonomy strategy (Pecresse law) and recently (Fioraso law) France encourages the researchers through adapted evaluation criteria to get involved in supporting the innovation process in addition to their classic research and scientific publication objectives. This new dynamic of innovation actors is generating an evolution of the French Innovation model facilitating the shared value creation not only individually or by sectors but also through open collaborative processes involving all actors of all sectors and on all regions getting together SMEs, multinationals, regions, research laboratories. The specific topic of this session is to analyze and identify the importance of the conditions under which this new innovation ecosystems involving their stakeholders could become multipliers of value thanks to this new virtuous value creation circle based on the « multi-sectorial and multi-actors frugal innovation ». The invited speakers are presenting solutions and tools used already in these renewed innovation process which are already engaging innovation actors in the emerging of a new French Innovation model which might inspire the XXIst century practices. In this session, the holistic approach will offer the original and useful prospective of the analysis of the innovation behavior and practices by the innovation actors themselves. The aim of this session is to bring a better comprehension of the innovation actors, their “asymmetries” and solutions to “compensate or reduce” these asymmetries for envisaging collaborative work in France especially by overcoming the barriers (cultural, risk, temporality) but also by promoting behaviors favoring a more efficient use of the available tools aimed to support innovation. The importance of the comprehension of the innovate ecosystems (“the asymmetries” of their actors) as well as of the evolution of the innovation demand (thanks to the diagnostic tools developed in France - Demand Readiness Level-) will help practitioners and scientific analysts to identify innovation finance solutions in accordance to the innovation process evolution at different thus identified stages involving different innovation actors of the whole ecosystem (SME, regions, labs, consumers, users, providers, etc.) This holistic approach of the innovation process confirmed by the speakers and their different experiences proposes a comprehension of the interdependency of the evolutions of the strategies, tools and behaviors at the micro, meso and macroeconomic levels. Contact: Dr. Florin Paun, author of “J’innove, donc je suis!” (L’Harmattan, 2014), co-founder of the Innovation actors committee of the Research Network on Innovation (RRI), and innovation director in France [ Jinnove.donc.jesuis.2014@gmail.com ] |