Innovation Forum VI - 2014
Crisis, innovation and transition

1, 2 and 3 October 2014  (Pôle universitaire Léonard De Vinci, Paris la Défense)

Authors instructions

Before submitting the abstract, please read these instructions carefully.


1. You must include in the on-line submission form the following information:

  • Presenter author: first name, family name, organisation name, address and e-mail address. 
  • Co-authors: please fill out the family names, surnames, organization name, city and country of the co-authors.  
  • Abstract title: please use capitals only. The title should not exceed 25 words, please do NOT type a full stop (.) at the end of the title.
  • JEL Codes
  • up to 5 keywords
  • If you intend to present your paper in a special session, please precise its title (field comment).

2. Abstracts should have a minimum of 1000 words and a maximum of 1500; please adopt the following structured format:

  • Problem statement/objective(s)/Research question(s)/Aim
  • Literature review/Conceptual framework: Clearly state the hypotheses.
  • Methodology & Results
  • Implications & Contribution

To submit a paper :

  • Please register on the link (you will receive an email to activate your account)
  • Once logged on your account, click on the link “My submissions” and then on the button “Submit an abstract”
  • Follow the steps


If there is any problem with the submittal process, please contact the Conference webmaster:
Frédéric Lebiet :

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